We have updated the names of some of our colors. If you have an older color palette, you will see that some of the names for the numbers are different, but the actual colors corresponding to the numbers have stayed the same.
No. 02 White Mannequin is now No. 02 Oxman White
No. 06 Cultivated White is now No. 06 Gesso White
No. 07 White Plains is now No. 07 In Situ White
No. 08 Savannah White is now No. 08 Artisan White
No. 09 Historic Beige is now No. 09 Rough Sketch
No. 10 Just Black is now No. 70 Mars Black
We have also added the following neutral colors:
No. 13 Smoked Salt
No. 11 Earthwork Beige
No. 72 Hasami Grey
No. 73 Moonglow Grey
We have discontinued No. 03 Turkish White and No. 05 White Sail, finding that No. 06 Gesso White matches in almost every instance (but feel free to order a new color chart at getsoto.com/colorchart to be sure). We have also added several non-neutral colors, so you may want to order the full 24-color palette, to see what else we have to offer!