Please reach out to us at to discuss your specific case. We have a professional color matching lab with state of the art equipment. We are able to test a variety of objects, including already-painted walls, furniture, or even fabric. If you're able to send a 2"x2" sample to us, we may be able to take a measurement of the color and provide a custom match.
If you want to color match the current color on your wall, we will need a sample from your wall. To remove a sample of your wall, choose an obscure area of the wall, and use a craft knife to gently cut through just the paper layer of the drywall. Once you receive your custom paint, you can use spackle and paint to repair the missing section.
For an object like a piece of furniture, you could perhaps remove a door or a leg or other small part that can be detached and then reattached.
If you want to match fabric, it needs to be at least 1"x1" of the solid color. If it is something like a small flower that measures less than 1"x1", we will not be able to get an accurate sample to match.
Please note that you will be responsible for the cost of shipping the item to us.